Family Problems Harm Young Children
Researchers have gained insight into why some families are unhappy — a situation apparently cantered around two distinct areas of behaviour. Sadly, the patterns of unhealthy family relationships can lead to specific difficulties for children during their early school years.
“Families can be a support and resource for children as they enter school, or they can be a source of stress, distraction, and maladaptive behaviour.” A study from the University of Rochester concluded that “cold and controlling family environments are linked to a growing cascade of difficulties for children in their first three years of school, from aggressive and disruptive behaviour to depression and alienation.”
“The study also finds that children from families marked by high levels of conflict and intrusive parenting increasingly struggle with anxiety and social withdrawal as they navigate their early school years.” The three-year study, published in Child Development, examines relationship patterns in 234 families with 6-year-old children. The research team identified three distinct family profiles: one happy (termed cohesive), and two unhappy (termed disengaged and enmeshed).