
Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

Drug addiction became popular in the 1970s with many Irish using heroin. According to the Medico-Social Research Board, 14% from ages 14-24 in the north side of Dublin were using heroin all year in 1983. Many in Ireland use opiates, sedatives, stimulants, solvents, hallucinations, and drugs from headshops. Ireland needs to increase efforts to prevent drug usage or those statistics will continue to rise every year.

In Ireland, there used to be headshops that would open every week that would sell legal drugs to get the Irish high containing substances like mephedrone which can be very dangerous. In 2010, many of them closed. Many people in Ireland who have done hard drugs are unemployed and engaged in crime to support their habit. If Irish towns have a bad reputation for being a drug community, businesses will go down and private businesses will not invest, increasing the unemployment rate. Once they have a long-term addiction, they will feel the need to use more and more drugs in order to feel normal. Drugs can cause someone to be more aggressive and make poor choices which will increase crime. Doing IV drugs can increase the Irish of risking HIV Hepatitis B and C, and blood poisoning.

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Family Problems Harm Young Children

Family Problems Harm Young Children

Family Problems Harm Young Children

Researchers have gained insight into why some families are unhappy — a situation apparently cantered around two distinct areas of behaviour. Sadly, the patterns of unhealthy family relationships can lead to specific difficulties for children during their early school years.

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ABC Therapy

18 Upper Mount Street,
Dublin 2.

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